February 6, 2008

February 20: C+E written examination!

Welcome to this new blog. It has all to do with my career as a future truck driver while I'm living in Europe.
I am now studying for my C+E -that is truck+trailer. I already have my C license -that is for truck-.
On the 20th, Lord willing, I'll be examining myself on the written test for my C+E. So I'll be studying like mad. If you want to leave a comment, you'll be much welcomed to do so.



Hey Viking Trucker, this is Roger Trucker, eh! That's a big 10-4!!

Adasa Aeneas said...

Hey Anders! ánimo con tu estudios. Que vaya bien el examen!


Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you!!

Ricky said...

Només tres passos entre ara i el carnet ehh? El primer pas, el de teòrica, serà bufar i fer ampolles! Ja ho veuràs!!

Molts d'ànims!!!