February 22, 2008

I passed - with FLYING COLORS!

I dedicate my 100% mark to my brother Ricard. He knows why!

Thanks TONS to all of you who lifted me up in prayer while I was doing the exam. I thank God for giving me the clear mind, the ability to control nerves --and for the "easy" questions! Also for moving the "circumstances" so I could have so much free time for studying before the exam.

The day after the exam I started a new job. The Lord knows each need for each circumstance!


Doulos said...



Ricky said...

YUPIEEEEEEEE!!! Congrats! I hope you hit the road soon! Anders trucker!! ;-) Only the practical exam to go!

Anonymous said...

Felicitats!!! M'alegro que t'ho hagis tret a la primera. Apa, molta sort amb la pràctica!


Anders Viking said...

Thanks y'all!

Ricky --it's really TWO practical exams left. One for the maneuvers an an other for the road-driving examination.


Eliweski said...

What's the new job you landed after the exam?? Felicitats, eh, que ja t'ho vaig dir per telèfon... A veure ara amb les maniobres... aiii... uix, l'Andreu amb un tràiler... Que no em faig amb la idea!!! Jajaja!! Vinga ànims!!

Anonymous said...

That is great!!!!!!!
Praying for you very much!

Anders Viking said...

Eliweski: I cannot see me on a a truck of these dimensions -yet-...It will be awesome to be driving one. ...i menos pitorreo que ja tinc el carnet C...:-D

Gem: Thanks so much for your happiness and help...you're doing more than you think!

Anonymous said...

wow congrats! that's awesome!! did you ever receive the package we sent you in the mail?

Girls in Europe